Sunday, October 04, 2009
For Additional Points
Be sure to follow instructions...
Simply click on the links below and react on those articles (
in not less than 5 sentences). You can comment on as many topics as you can. If you want to earn more points, you can also start your own discussion on relevant matters.
2 points for each comment and
3 points for each topic you start. Remember however, that the maximum number of points you can earn is
30 points.
Note: As you click on those links, it will require you to sign-up. Do so, otherwise, you won't be allowed to post your reactions to the articles.
Discussion #1Discussion #2Discussion #3Discussion #4Discussion #5Discussion #6Discussion #7Discussion #8Discussion #9Discussion #10Discussion #11Just check this site from time to time to check if there are updates on new discussions you can respond to. As of now, just respond to this discussion and look for other relevant discussions you can reply to.
Ruby Buccat blogged till 2:08 PM